Sunday, August 23, 2015

Avogadro Constant Calculated - New Equation with Muonic Hydrogen Proton Radius

Using Haramein's proton radius equation (the one that predicted the muonic hydrogen proton radius) and the equation we derived in this blog for $\mu={m_p\over m_e}$, we can derived an expression for Avogadro's Constant which is even more accurate than the mainstream value:
$$N_A={A_r(e)M_u\over m_e}$$
$$N_A={{A_r(e)M_u\alpha^2}\over{4\pi\ell m_{\ell}R_\infty}}$$
$$N_A={{A_r(e)M_u\alpha^2}\over{\pi r_pm_pR_\infty}}$$
$m_p=$ mass of proton
$m_e=$ mass of electron
$R_\infty=R_H=$ Rydberg Constant
$\ell=$ Planck length
$m_\ell=$ Planck mass

$N_A(new)=6.02214129 \dots \;\;\; \times10^{23}\;per\;mole$
$N_A(old)\;\:=6.022140857(74) \times 10^{23}\;per\;mole$

The Surfer, OM-IV

Monday, August 17, 2015

New Equation for $\pi$

Love Puppies for pi!!!

It is also a new way to calculate $\pi:$
$$\pi={{\alpha^2 m_e}\over{r_pR_Hm_p}}={{\alpha^2 m_e}\over{4\ell m_{\ell}R_H}}$$
$m_pr_p=4\ell m_{\ell}\;(Haramein's\;Equation)$

Google Calculator Link for new $\pi\;equation:$
Google Calculator link for $\pi$

The Surfer, OM-IV
©2017 Mark Eric Rohrbaugh & Lyz Starwalker © 2017
©2017 MarkER Design, LLC © 2017
Gold Canyon, AZ 85118

Proton Radius Puzzle

How is it that the muonic hydrogen radius works perfectly in this equation in this post:


Six (6) fundamental constants related in ONE equation. Bazinga! Can you beat that?

It is also a new way to calculate $\pi:$
$$\pi={{\alpha^2 m_e}\over{r_pR_Hm_p}}={{\alpha^2 m_e}\over{4\ell m_{\ell}R_H}}$$
$m_pr_p=4\ell m_{\ell}\;(Haramein's\;Equation)$

Google Calculator Link for new $\pi\;equation:$
Google Calculator link for $\pi$

More later,
The Surfer

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Razor's Edge - The Muonic Hydrogen Proton Radius in Denominator for $\mu$ - Proton / Electron Mass Ratio!!!

It is very significant to note that the EXACT muonic proton radius from 2010 & 2013 is needed in the equation for $\mu$, the proton to electron mass ratio, and the Planck mass to proton mass ratio (Haramein's equation).

$$\mu={m_p\over m_e}={\alpha^2\over\pi r_pR_H}=1836.15267$$

$\mu$ is a dimensionless ratio and is an importantly noted significant physical constant.

Google Calculator Link Using Built-in Constants and Haramein's proton equation:*(planck+length)*sqrt(hbar*c%2FG)%2Fm_p%3D&oq=(fine&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j69i59l3.7597j0j8&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

Exactly how significant????  It is like a razor, in the denominator.  If $r_p$ is off by 4%, then $1836.15267\dots$ is off by nearly 4%, ${1\over{1-x}}\approx{1+x}$.

While the mainstream physics community waits for the new experiments, we can simply review these equations from this post: and see that the measurements REQUIRE the proton radius to be the muonic radius from 2010 & 2013 to make the $\mu=1836.15267$ be right on (as well as make Haramein's equation correct in its prediction of the muonic proton radius).

This is serious stuff.  It's time to move forward and see where this takes us rather than wait another few decades on the lamestream...

$\pi r_p = Arc\;Length$, this also is significant to note.  When angles are measured in radians ($2\pi\;radians = 360\;degrees$), the arc length subtended by a radius is simply the product of the radius and the angle.  Could this be the Arc of the Covenant knowledge required to tap into energy of the vacuum?

The Surfer, OM-IV

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Resonance Academy #5 - $384 - What is the Hold-Up??? Fall is coming... Get your Knowledge on!
Posted by on Sunday, August 2, 2015

Get your Knowledge on! 

Monday, August 3, 2015

PEZ the Duck Meets Galactic Duck

Galactic Duck says "You put yourself up on quite a pedestal there PEZ!"

It won't be long now before we join forces with Ancient Eqyptian  and finally meet Bozon T. Clown!!!  What possibly could Bozon T. have to say at this point? And what DOES the T. stand for?

That and many more questions answered as the Ducks gravitate upwards through the gravitational post barrier of

The Silver Surfer, OM-IV

Repost: Quantum Gravity and Holographic Mass A Deeper Look

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Ancient Egyptian Duck - The Resonance Academy #4 / Project Rubber Ducky Mascott

Ancient Egyptian Duck

Unraveling every riddle, Egyptian Duck is at the top of the heap, or he should be.  Please help Egyptian Duck to the top of popular post page for a special post!

The Surfer, OM-IV

Golden Ratio ($\varphi$) Fractally embedded in Nature - Platonic Solids

From wikipedia page on Platonic solid:

Cartesian coordinates[edit]

For Platonic solids centered at the origin, simple Cartesian coordinates are given below. The Greek letter ฯ† is used to represent the golden ratio \tfrac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}.

Cartesian coordinates
Vertices46 (2×3)812 (4×3)20 (8+4×3)

(±1, 0, 0)
(0, ±1, 0)
(0, 0, ±1)
(±1, ±1, ±1)
(0, ±1, ±ฯ†)
(±1, ±ฯ†, 0)
(±ฯ†, 0, ±1)

(0, ±ฯ†, ±1)
(±ฯ†, ±1, 0)
(±1, 0, ±ฯ†)
(±1, ±1, ±1)
(0, ±1/ฯ†, ±ฯ†)
(±1/ฯ†, ±ฯ†, 0)
ฯ†, 0, ±1/ฯ†)
(±1, ±1, ±1)
(0, ±ฯ†, ±1/ฯ†)
ฯ†, ±1/ฯ†, 0)
(±1/ฯ†, 0, ±ฯ†)
ImageCubeAndStel.svgDual Cube-Octahedron.svgIcosahedron-golden-rectangles.svgCube in dodecahedron.png
Note significantly $\varphi$,  the golden ratio \tfrac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}.,  is all over the Platonic solids.

Considering that $\varphi$, the Golden ratio has been shown by many to be fractally embedded in all of Nature, Dan Winter's work is significanlty taking off where the ancients left off and giving meaning to:

...and more. <-- interesting as well!

WHERE IS PEZ THE DUCK?   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Search for PEZ in this blog and bring him up the chain of posts to meet Bozon T. and his other Duck Family members!!!

The Silver Surfer, OM-IV
Seinfled "The PEZ"

Saturday, August 1, 2015

(Ionized) Hydrogen Radii I, II, III, Using Google Calculator

Signed Jeanie bottle 2011 (signed by Barbara Eden and the late Larry Hagman)

Dan Winter's amazing breakthrough work / equation is of the form:

$$Radii\;or\;Wavelength = \ell \times \phi^n = L \times \Phi^N $$
$\ell = L= Planck\;Length$
$\phi = \Phi= Golden\;Ratio$
$n= N \in Integers$

Here is using the google calculator in Chrome to calculate ionized hydrogen radii I, II, III:

Radii I    = $\ell \phi^{116}=$ 0.282527789ร…
Radii II   = $\ell \phi^{117}=$ 0.457139566ร…
Radii III  = $\ell \phi^{118}=$ 0.739667355ร…

$\ell = L = Planck\;Length = 1.61619926 \times 10^{-35}meters$
$\phi =\Phi = Golden\;Ratio = $ 1.61803398875

Google Calculator Links for Ionized Hydrogen Radii:

Where does this equation come from?  From the mind of a genius, Dan Winter.  Upon further analysis, since things in Nature unfold from an embedded fractal of the golden mean ratio, $\Phi$, it is clear Dan is on the right path, AND THE ONLY PATH to function coherently with and within Nature.

Here is a link to a PDF paper on the ionized hydrogen radii (I, II, and III):

This next comment requires further evaluation, however, it looks like Dan's equation IS the one key solution to Dirac's equation that allows for gravity, life, etc.  Dirac's equation is a relativistic form of the Schrodinger wave equation.  These are key quantum mechanical equations that explain information about matter on very small scales, and in some limit or another will approach macroscopic behavior.  This is significant key work Dan has been doing and it will soon be linked to mainstream science, if this step has not already done so.  A few more hours to review....

The Surfer, OM-IV

Before the (information) Flood: The Beauty of Water - Water HAS Memory

The Surfer, OM-IV