Sunday, November 10, 2019

Quantum mechanics gets stern challenge from single silicon ion

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Nov. 8 2019

"The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid." 

For fun:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Wikipedia Says: Proton Radius Puzzle Solved

The proton radius puzzle was an unanswered problem in physics relating to the size of the proton.[1] Historically the proton radius was measured via two independent methods, which converged to a value of about 0.877 femtometres (1 fm = 10−15 m). This value was challenged by a 2010 experiment utilizing a third method, which produced a radius about 5% smaller than this, or 0.842 femtometres.[2] The discrepancy was resolved when research conducted by Hessel et al. confirmed the same radius for 'electronic' hydrogen as well as it's 'muonic' variant.[3]
So, they consider it resolved with no theory, no calculation that correlates with or predicts the proton radius.



The Surfer, OM-IV

Friday, September 20, 2019

Whitehouse - Soon

Sunday, September 15, 2019

September 15th, 2019. Pow Pow Pientka’s Meeting Meeting With Flynn and G...

YouTube share to blogger test
The Surfer

Friday, September 6, 2019

Physics not “broken” after all? We’re close to resolving proton radius puzzle - A Little Too Little, A Little Too Late!!!

Image of a hydrogen atom's electron orbitals taken with a quantum microscope in 2013. Physicists have been trying to resolve conflicting experimental results, using hydrogen atoms, on the proton's radius for nearly a decade.

How about what Richard Feynman said "What are all these masses and constants anyway?"

Solved in 1991... A detailed solution to the Schrodinger Wave Equation, in this blog...

Links to the right, I may add here:
Summary links in OneTab in this tweet: PhxMarker-AZGreenbelt Tweet  
Direct link to paper: Masses and Constants (& proton radius) 


The Surfer, OM-IV

Saturday, August 10, 2019

You win some, you lose some - Win / Win #Q+#QAnon #FTW

The Surfer, OM-IV

Saturday, July 13, 2019

What Does Any Of This Have To Do With Physics?
More later,
The Surfer

Solving the proton-radius puzzle

How big is a proton? Experiments during the past decade have called well-established measurements of the proton’s radius into question – even prompting somewhat outlandish suggestions that new physics might be at play. Soon-to-be-published results promise to settle the proton-radius puzzle once and for all.
Contrary to popular depictions, the proton does not have a hard physical boundary like a snooker ball. Its radius was traditionally deduced from its charge distribution via electron-scattering experiments. Scattering from a charge distribution is different from scattering from a point-like charge: the extended charge distribution modifies the differential cross section by a form factor (the Fourier transform of the charge distribution). For a proton this takes the form of a dipole with respect to the scale of the interaction, and an exponentially decaying charge distribution as a function of the distance from the centre of the proton. Scattering experiments found the root mean square (RMS) radius to be about 0.88 fm.
Since the turn of the millennium, a modest increase in precision on the proton radius was made possible by comparing measurements of transitions in hydrogen with quantum electrodynamics (QED) calculations. Since atomic energy levels need to be corrected due to overlapping electron clouds in the extended charge distribution of the proton, precise measurements of the transition frequencies provide a handle on the proton’s radius. A combination of these measurements yielded the most recent CODATA value of 0.8751(61) fm.
The surprise came in 2010, when the CREMA collaboration at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland achieved a 10-fold improvement in precision via the Lamb shift (the 2S–2P transition) in muonic hydrogen, the bound state of a muon orbiting a proton. As the muon is 200 times heavier than the electron, its Bohr radius is 200 times smaller, and the QED correction due to overlapping electron clouds is more substantial. CREMA observed an RMS proton radius of 0.8418(7) fm, which was five sigma below the world average, giving rise to the so-called “proton radius puzzle”. The team confirmed the measurement in 2013, reporting a radius of 0.8409(4) fm. These observations appeared to call into question the cherished principle of lepton universality.
More recent measurements have reinforced the proton’s slimmed-down nature. In 2016 CREMA reported a radius of 0.8356(20) fm by measuring the Lamb shift in muonic deuterium (the bound state of a muon orbiting a proton and a neutron). Most interestingly, in 2017 Axel Beyer of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching and collaborators reported a similarly lithe radius of 0.8335(95) fm from observations of the 2S–4P transition in ordinary hydrogen. This low value is confirmed by soon-to-be-published measurements of the 1S–3S transition by the same group, and of the 2S–2P transition by Eric Hessels of York University, Canada, and colleagues. “We can no longer speak about a discrepancy between measurements of the proton radius in muonic and electronic spectroscopy,” says Krzysztof Pachucki of CODATA TGFC and the University of Warsaw.
But what of the discrepancy between spectroscopic and scattering experiments? The calculation of the RMS proton radius using scattering data is tricky due to the proton’s recoil, and analyses must extrapolate the form factor to a scale of Q2 = 0. Model uncertainties can therefore be reduced by performing scattering experiments at increasingly low scales. Measurements may now be aligning with a lower value consistent with the latest results in electronic and muonic spectroscopy. In 2017 Miha Mihovilovic of the University of Mainz and colleagues reported an interestingly low value of 0.810(82) fm using the Mainz Microtron, and results due from the Proton Radius Experiment (pRad) at Jefferson Lab will access a similarly low scale with even smaller uncertainties. Preliminary pRad results presented in October 2018 at the 5th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan in Hawaii indicate a proton radius of 0.830(20) fm. These electron-scattering results will be complemented by muon-scattering results from the COMPASS experiment at CERN, and the MUSE experiment at PSI.
For now, says Pachucki, the latest CODATA recommendations published in 2016 list the higher value obtained from electron scattering and pre-2015 hydrogen-spectroscopy experiments. If the latest experiments continue to line up with the slimmed-down radius of CREMA’s 2010 result, however, the proton radius puzzle may soon be solved, and the world average revised downwards.
Mark Rayner, CERN.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Q - We Are Not Alone - Q

Q drop #2222 <~~~ Quad Deuces!

The Surfer, OM-IV
Our movement is about replacing
A failed and corrupt political establishment
With a new government controlled by you, the American people.
The Washington establishment
And the financial and media corporations that fund it,
Exist for only one reason,
To protect and enrich itself.
The establishment has trillions of dollars
At stake in this election.
For those who control
The levers of power in Washington
And for the global special interests,
They partner with these people who don't have your good in mind.
Our campaign represents a true existential threat
Like they haven't seen before.
This is not simply another 4 year election;
This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization
That will determine whether or not,
We the people reclaim control over our government.
The political establishment that is trying to stop us,
Is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals,
Massive illegal immigration,
And economic and foreign policies that have bled our country dry.
The political establishment has brought about
The destruction of our factories
And our jobs
As they flee to Mexico, China
And other countries all around the world.
It's a global power structure
That is responsible for the economic decisions
That have robbed our working class,
Stripped our country of its wealth,
And put that money into the pockets
Of a handful of large corporations and political entities. 
This is a struggle for the survival of our nation
And this will be our last chance to save it.
This election will determine whether we are free nation
Or whether we have only the illusion of democracy,
But are in fact controlled by a small handful
Of globalist special interests rigging the system,
And our system is rigged. This is reality;
You know it, they know it, I know it,
And pretty much the whole world knows it.
The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure.
We've seen this first hand in the Wikileaks documents,
In which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks
To plot the destruction of US sovereignty
In order to enrich these global financial powers,
Her special interest friends, and her donors.
Honestly, she should be locked up.
The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons
Is the corporate media; the press.
Let's be clear on one thing- the corporate media in our country
Is no longer involved in journalism.
They're a political special interest,
No different than any lobbyist or other financial entity,
With a total political agenda,
And the agenda is not for you, it's for themselves.
Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist.
A racist. A xenophobe. They will lie, lie, lie,
And then again, they will do worse than that.
They will do whatever is necessary.
The Clintons are criminals, remember that.
This is well-documented.
And the establishment that protects them
Has engaged in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity
At the state department and the Clinton Foundation
In order to keep the Clintons in power.
They knew they would throw every lie they could at me
And my family and my loved ones.
They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me.
Nevertheless, I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you.
I take them for our movement,
So that we could have our country back.
I knew this day would arrive;
It was only a question of when.
And I knew the American people would rise above it
And vote for the future they deserve.
The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you.
The only force strong enough to save our country is us.
The only people brave enough
To vote out this corrupt establishment is you,
The American people.
Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning.
I didn't need to do this folks, believe me.
I built a great company and I had a wonderful life.
I could have enjoyed the fruits and benefits
Of years of successful business deals and businesses
For myself and my family instead of going through
This absolute horror show of lies, deceptions,
Malicious attacks; who would have thought.
I'm doing it because this country has given me so much,
And I feel, so strongly, that it's my turn to give back
To the country that I love.
I'm doing this for the people and for the Movement,
And we will take back this country for you,
And we will Make America Great Again.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†United States Cyber Command Graphics Similar to PhxMarker Blog Symbols! Happy 4th of July! ๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ†

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

The Surfer, OM-IV

Friday, April 12, 2019

#Q+ = #POTUS45 embed

QMAP: Qanon Drops & POTUS Tweets

Be a part of the Great Awakening. Get real-time Qanon drops and POTUS tweets. We are the news now!

The Surfer, OM-IV

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Oracle Basic Code

101 count = 0
105 for i = 0 to 20
106 print
107 next i
110 Dim x2(7),sign(7), dx(7)
120 Rem Init some vars
125 aminerr=1000
130 rem res = 8.5e-17
132 res = 1e-4
200 xpi=3.14159265358979323846
250 rem 8 coefs here
255 Rem elementary charge (e)-0
260 x2(0)=1.60217662e-19
265 Rem Planck's constant (h)-1
300 x2(1)=6.62607004e-34
350 rem eletron mass (Me)-2
400 x2(2)=9.109383560899034e-31
450 Rem Proton radius (Rp)-3
500 x2(3)=8.41235640479985e-16
550 Rem Rydberg Constant (R_H or R_{\infty})-4
600 x2(4)=10973731.5685083
610 Rem Permittivity of free space (e0)-5
620 x2(5)=8.854187817e-12
701 Rem Speed of Light (c)-6
702 x2(6)=299792458.0
703 Rem Proton mass (Mp)-7
704 x2(7)=1.672621898209999e-27
710 For i = 0 to 6
720 sign(i)=0
730 dx(i) = 0.01*res*(x2(i))
740 next i
750 Rem define bit to be twiddled here
755 sign(0)=1
760 sign(1)=1
770 sign(2)=1
780 sign(3)=1
790 sign(4)=1
795 sign(5)=1
797 sign(6)=1
1000 rem starting error
1010 xerr1=x2(2)*x2(0)^4/(8*x2(6)*x2(5)^2*x2(1)^3*x2(4))
1015 yerr2=-xpi*x2(3)*x2(6)*x2(2)/(2*x2(1))
1017 err = xerr1 + yerr2 - 1.0
1020 digits=int(-log(abs(yerr+0.00001))/log(10)+0.5)
1030 Print "Starting err is: ";err
1032 Print "Starting xerr1 is: ";xerr1
1034 Print "Starting yerr2 is: ";yerr2
1040 print "Digits resolution ";digits
1050 print "aminerr error is: ";aminerr
1060 for i = 0 to 6
1061 print "i= ";i, x2(i)
1062 next i
1100 print "pi= ";xpi
1111 rem end
2000 Rem Main Loop
2010 For i = 0 to 6
2020 x2(i)=x2(i)+sign(i)*dx(i)
2030 xerr1=x2(2)*x2(0)^4/(8*x2(6)*x2(5)^2*x2(1)^3*x2(4))
2032 yerr2=-xpi*x2(3)*x2(6)*x2(2)/(2*x2(1))-1.0
2034 err=abs(xerr1+yerr2)
2035 if err>aminerr then sign(i)=-1*sign(i)
2037 if err<aminerr then aminerr = err
2040 next i
2050 if err < 1.5*res then goto 5000
2055 print "Working ";err
2058 count = count+1
2060 goto 2000
5000 Rem
5001 xresstop=2e-15
5002 if res > xresstop then res = res/10.0
5010 For i = 0 to 6
5030 dx(i) = 0.01*res*(x2(i))
5040 next i
5100 if res > xresstop then goto 2000
5106 Print "Done."
5107 print "Coef "
5109 for i = 0 to 7
5110 print x2(i);" "
5120 next i
6000 rem Final error
6010 xerr1=(x2(2)*x2(0)^4)/(8*x2(6)*x2(5)^2*x2(1)^3*x2(4))
6012 yerr2=-xpi*x2(3)*x2(6)*x2(2)/(2*x2(1)) - 1.0
6014 err=abs(xerr1+yerr2)
6020 digits=int(-log(abs(err+1e-16))/log(10)+0.5)
6030 Print "Starting err is: ";err
6040 print "Digits resolution ";digits
6050 print "Final error is: ";aminerr
6060 print "Iterations= ";count
6070 print xpi;" <-ideal"
6080 print xpi+err;" <-calc'd
6085 print "Calc'd proton mass= ";2*x2(1)/(xpi*x2(3)*x2(6))
6087 print "Input proton mass= ";x2(7)
6090 print "Proton/electron mass ratio=";x2(7)/x2(2)
6100 end