Saturday, June 20, 2015

MpRp=4LM=ReMe - Source of Mass of Matter

"No Higgs Boson Required?", puzzles Bozon T. Clown.
This is PROOF to the solution of the proton radius puzzle.
Also proof of Dan Winter's Phase-Conjugate work: MpRp=4LM=MeRe 
Represents a conjugate pair using Maxwell's Equations with EFE, etc.
This is the complete solution for both the proton and the electron using Schrödinger's wave equation.
Bozo says: "Send in The Duck! I want to talk to The Duck!!!"
$MpRp=4LM=ReMe$ clearly defines the mass relationships between the electron and the proton in terms of fundamental units, formulations, constants, and measured constants, all consistent with mainstream work.
Three Magic Ratios
From this relationship come $\mu$, the proton to electron mass ratio:$$\mu={m_p\over m_e}={\alpha^2\over\pi r_pR_H}=1836.15267$$
& Planck Mass to Electron Mass Ratio:
$$\nu_1={m_{\ell}\over m_e}={r_e\over 4\ell}={{\alpha^2\over 4\pi\ell R_H}}=2.3893048e+22$$
& Planck Mass to Proton  Mass Ratio:
$$\varphi={m_{\ell}\over m_p}={r_p\over 4\ell}=1.30125608e+19$$
You see, 
It's a mathematical tautology.

Bazinga!   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Where's The Duck?>{

Analytical equations for these relationships have been looked for for a long time. Using Haramein's work, these simple equations result, or if one guesses the relationships, Haramein's equations result.
$\alpha=$ fine-structure constant
$\ell=$ Planck $\ell$ength
$r_e={\alpha^2\over\pi R_{\infty}}$
$r_p=$ proton radius, 2010 & 2013 muonic hydrogen proton radius
$R_H, R_{\infty}$ is Rydberg constant
$\pi\;is$ good.
(gravito-magnetics spawns from this work, this first ToE)
What you do is simultaneously solve Schrodinger's equation for the proton and electron, take the proton/electron mass ratio and then all you need is the Planck/electron mass ratio or the Planck/proton mass ratio, and that's what Nassim Haramein produced, the proton radius. It was a key thing needed to complete the 3 magic numbers. (and the Rydberg equation for the electron, and Nassim's equation for the proton radius so I could determine Re with Lyz's proposal on the electron  and one needs to know what to use for V(r)  ;-)   )
The next logical step: 

The Surfer, OM-IV
©2015 Mark Eric Rohrbaugh & Lyz Starwalker © 2015


  1. If you want to know where this all comes from, it is from Haramein and team's work on Einstein Field Equations and Planck's work, and all the great masters, and a few unmentionables...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. corrected a minor math error wrt to the ratios....

  4. The electron is clearly an "arc" since there is a product of pi times re as compared to the rp term...

  5. and it requires 2 pi for a whole pie, thus for diatomic hydrogen, the other half of the pie is filled in.

  6. the electron and proton are orthogonal to each other in some sense.

  7. like in the way Maxwell describes things. And EFE... combining Einstein, Maxwell, and Planck as Haramein is in the process of doing is the first ToE.

  8. Like Hermes said "As above, so below"!!!

  9. Forgiveness is the key. All is forgiven, however, can you forgive yourself?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. the size of the hydrogen atom is something like $r_e+r_p\approx r_e$

  12. Should the U$ sue #CERN to get our money back for U$A?

  13. Should the U$ sue #CERN to get our money back for U$A?

  14. This is the information theory approach.

  15. the atom now can be reworked and gravity unified, thus removing the need for the strong and weak force, and paving the way for a gravity- electromagnetic effect. There is a relationship between electromagnetism and gravity.... and much more to come...

  16. this means there is no dark matter, no dark energy, no Higgs Bozon, etc... and more...

  17. use the 2010 & 2013 muonic hydrogen proton radius for Rp.

  18. this is proof to the solution to the proton radius puzzle is MpRp=4LM

  19. Hello, does anyone besides Nassim Haramein, William Brown, Dan Winter, and Elizabethe Rauscher? Lyz Starwalker made this proposal and I put it to math.

  20. ;-) I've known this solution for years, just needed Lyz (-;

  21. For those of you who do not know the significance of this, these are the only three ratios that are required to have a full analytical solution to Schrodinger's Wave equation when considering both the electron and proton. Analytical solutions to these types of sets of equations, if the theory is accurate, _should_ describe how Nature behaves.

  22. Applying Maxwell's equations and Einstein's equations - special and general relativity, ah, that's where it gets interesting and add to the discussion of cosmolgy, destiny, evolution, memory, consciousness, DNA-blueprint resonance from source field - the vacuum, and so much more than can fit in the margin here.

  23. added:
    This is the complete solution for both the proton and the electron using Schrödinger's wave equation.

  24. added:
    What you do is simultaneously solve Schrodinger's equation for the proton and electron, take the proton/electron mass ratio and then all you need is the Planck/electron mass ratio or the Planck/proton mass ratio, and that's what Nassim Haramein produced, the proton radius. It was a key thing needed to complete the 3 magic numbers. (and the Rydberg equation for the electron, and Nassim's equation for the proton radius so I could determine Re with Lyz's proposal on the electron)

  25. These are the unification relationships. Out of 4 possibilites come these three numbers and 1, unity. This is a self-checking, self-proving, self-evident set of equations. It unifies physics, identifies and solves for the source of mass of matter. The three equations, plus unity, solves the relationship between electromagnetism and gravity. Thanks Lyz Starwalker!

  26. This self-checking set of equations work in a feedback system to generate consciouness and feedback with the vacuum:

  27. My best friend James F. T. Scafide encouraged me to solve all of this stuff. Challenged me. Thanks bro. My brother Ron inspired me to excel in math in science and latin and is the most amazing person I know besides my Mom & Dad and Kirk, Kelly, and Erik, and the rest of the family. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I am grateful and at your service.

  28. Thanks to Nassim for continuing his work, which is the first true science on Earth.

  29. It's a lock Jerry. It's going EXPONENTIAL!!!!
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh S#iT, get your Towlies ready, ah, ah, high, Hidey ho folks! lol
    Ego the Clown soon to be launched...

  30. Send in the clowns, I mean, where are the clowns? There's gotta be clowns...


Watch the water = Lake 👩 🌊🦆