Sunday, May 29, 2022

Spoon Feeding Physics

The reality:
Physics information delivery!

The Surfer, OM-IV (Ω4)
©2021 Mark Eric Rohrbaugh & Lyz Starwalker © 2022

Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Schrödinger Wave Equation for the Hydrogen Atom

See equation 11.10.9 & 11.10.10 in link below. 

See equation 11.10.9 & 11.10.10, the Bohr model and Schrödinger model are same for lowest energies and single electron hydrogen atom.  It’s useful to see both equations- related Bohr Rydberg coefficient to quantum mechanical model (Schrödinger model):

The Surfer, OM-IV (Ω4)
©2021 Mark Eric Rohrbaugh & Lyz Starwalker © 2022

Trends, Past and Future: Fundamental Physics Constants

Moar later. Check historical Planck data, h, it’s getting smaller and just needs to get a little smaller. 

Constants Trend

1. Elementary charge, e, + ✅

2. Electron mass, e_0, + 

3. Fine-structure constant, alpha, + 

4. Permittivity of free space, epsilon_0, - 

5. Planck’s constants, h, - 

6. Proton radius, r_p, - 

7. Rydberg constant, R_H, - 

8. Speed of Light, c, - 

+ means needs to increase

- means needs to decrease 

3 need to increase in value a small amount 

5 need to decrease a small amount 

To be correct and more in harmony with Nature

9. Proton mass, r_p, -

10. Proton to electron mass ratio, mu or beta, -

5. Historical data for Planck's constant versus Year plus ideal value:

Planck's constant versus year*
(units J/Hz)


Will add others later.  Have to use 1970+ data since that when they "finalized" the standard model and the trend should match my prediction, the trend appears to agree with h, the Planck constant.

Planck's constant was fixed by decree in 2019 having to do with the mass definition:

1. Elementary charge (electron charge):


6. Proton radius, r_p, -

NIST/CODAT vs. MR Proton over the years

So far we've checked 3 of the constants and the trends agree with our prediction/analysis.

8. Speed of Light, c, - 

Speed of light measurement decreasing value over time

3. Fine-structure constant, alpha, + 

1973      fine-structure constant 0.007297334              (from
2014/15 fine-structure constant 0.007297352566417 (from
2018/19 fine-structure constant 0.0072973525693     (from
2020:      1/137.035999206(11)
This wk: 1/137.029874274

5 of 8 have agreed with prediction.  Even though h, the Planck constant was set by law (decree) in 2019, scientific forces will be changing that.  It was done for defining mass.  Now that more is known, mass can be defined using these values and their timebase, if still needed (very likely as I haven't address time, yet).

2. electron mass, m_e, + 
2015: 9.109 383 56(11) × 10 −31 kg
2018: 9.109 383 7015(28) x 10-31 kg  

7. Rydberg Constant, R_H, - 
2015: 10 973 731.568 508(65) m−1 
2018: 10 973 731.568 160(21) m-1

4. Permitivity of free space, e_0, - 
2010: 8.854 187 817... e-12    (exact)                  F m^-1
2018: 8.854 187 8128(13) x 10-12 F m-1

9. Proton mass, r_p, - (does not agree with prediction? recheck)*

2010:  1.672 621 777 e-27

2014:  1.672 621 898(21) × 10−27 kg

2018:  1.672 621 923 69(51) x 10-27 kg

10. Proton to electron mass ratio, mu or beta, - (does not agree with prediction? recheck)*

2010:  1836.152 672 45 
2018:  1836.152 673 43(11)  

* need to re-think #9 & #10 since I added those two are based on the others... 

"Instead, he believes that physicists should focus on dimensionless quantities, such as the fine-structure constant." from:

Also, dimensionless proton to electron mass ratio which comes out correctly with this work that addresses the proton radius puzzle and includes the proton radius in the solution...

1/alpha 1/fine-structure constant

The Surfer, OM-IV (Ω4)
©2021 Mark Eric Rohrbaugh & Lyz Starwalker © 2022

Saturday, May 21, 2022


The waveforms of the constants as the algorithm converges are shown here, starting with the ERROR versus Iteration#: (from Excel file, data generated from BASIC program*)
Error, log scale Y-axis, Iteration# X-axis

Elementary charge, e

Electron mass, m_e

Fine-structure constant, α

Permittivity of free space, ε_0

Planck's constant, h

Proton radius, r_p

Rydberg constant, R_H

Speed of Light, c

The Full Rydberg polynomial is in the upper right of this image:

The final values to about 14 digits accuracy are:
(mks units)
elementary charge, e=1.6022514387454(393)e-19  
Planck's constant, h=6.6257738721130(28)e-34  
electron mass, m_e=9.1097907336274(77)e-31  
Proton radius, r_p=8.4119972191308(31)e-16  
Rydberg constant, R_H=10973241.071596(634)  
Permittivity of free space, epsilon_0=8.8537920581144(05)e-12  
Speed of Light, c=299779058.06636(304)  
Fine-structure constant, alpha=0.0072976787382677(79)  

Digits resolution 14
Calc'd proton mass= 1.6726933172773(2)e-27
NIST   proton mass= 1.67262192369(51) x 10-27 kg
Final  fine-structure constant= 0.0072976787382677(79).                        (1/137.029874274)  
Input  fine-structure constant= 0.00729735256  (compare to above line) (1/137.035999084(21)) 
Proton/electron mass ratio=1836.1490029653(637)

More about final values later... ...(need to do a little more checking before replacing NIST/CODATA)

Fundamental physical constants cannot be derived and have to be measured. Developments in physics may lead to either a reduction or an extension of their number: discovery of new particles, or new relationships between physical phenomena, would introduce new constants, while the development of a more fundamental theory might allow the derivation of several constants from a more fundamental constant.

A long-sought goal of theoretical physics is to find first principles (theory of everything) from which all of the fundamental dimensionless constants can be calculated and compared to the measured values.

Also see
Looks like they might have to update their information.  

Comment on the solution (which was derived and discussed in previous posts and papers):
The constants are the roots of the Full Rydberg polynomial - for a single hydrogen atom. Do not reduce the "two wave/particle" system into simply examining the electrons like Feynman did in QED or like Squalid-State (Solid-State for those in Rio Linda)
"The characteristic roots (roots of the characteristic equation) also provide qualitative information about the behavior of the variable whose evolution is described by the dynamic equation.", from:

*modified to print out ALL intermediate values instead of simply the error and final results (see link)
The Surfer, OM-IV (Ω4)
©2021 Mark Eric Rohrbaugh & Lyz Starwalker © 2022