The reduced mass approximation is an approximation to a 2 "body" problem. $\mu$, reduced mass,
$$\mu={m_e\over{1+{m_e\over m_p}}}$$
$$\mu=m_e^*$$ reduced mass or effective mass of electron*
$$\therefore m_e^*<m_e$$
Just** turning the terms for the mass ratio into an effective mass ends up dropping the proton radius from the equation,the Rydberg equation, the equation that puts constraints on MANY other key constants.
*effective mass can be determined via experimental or theoretical techniques for periodic arrays of atoms, energy wells, created by crystals (physical atom placement, nanotechnology, EM periodic, or phonon (sound vibration) periodic, HOWEVER, we are talking about a single hydrogen atom for the purpose of solving for some constants of a solution of a characteristic wave equation for a single atom in the aether that is a simultaneous solution simply for determination of the constants BEFORE everyone runs off crazy with ill thought out experiments and missing the boat and ending up with all kinds of puzzles and unsolved physics problems. (I'm talking about the mainstream funded science flow, so yes, that means (You)). Once the theory is mathematically fully solved, then it's time to compare to experiments where necessary for verification and investigative purposes.
**In other words, do not confuse the solution of one problem with the solution of another, i.e., solid-state periodic array assumptions so one can just treat the electron motion in the anlaysis, very similar to QED, is an approximation to the free atom. Fully solve the single free atom with the constants from the boundary conditions - just like real mathematicians*** do.
***Mathematicians would fully solve the general case for the wave equation and the physicist would point out the boudary conditions which enforce a set of equations that define the specific problem being solved since the general case for a second order fully complex wave function (prior to being reduced to the Schrödinger Wave Equation) is not close form solveable (if the general case actually is then all of what this blog is talking about has already been solved and there is no proton puzzle)
In other news, a double witching or whatever with silver 3/28 & 4/1 with deliveries a month later. Will they have the silver?
The Surfer has been watching Silver since the 60s...
PS: Reduced mass concept works for technology such as the Solid-State devices we have and the Weyl fermion ideas thrown about, however, approximation techniques have to be CAREFULLY applied and used when doing Fundamental Fysiks!