Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Proton Charge Radius vs Year

Proton Charge Radius vs. Year (NIST/codata & MR Proton*)
(perhaps I should send NIST a congrats and welcome aboard letter!)

MR Proton has been steady for 3+ decades.
MR Proton doesn't flinch, plays chicken almost as good as POTUS45!

Some of Pohl's work:

It's well defined if you're MR Proton!

And another important measurement/constant, the Rydberg constant:
the most accurately determined fundamental constant AND it's wrong R O N G wrong**
(it's only good to about 1930 numbers 2-4 decimal places)
(will be defined by this work)

* this work
** corrected by this work/blog/solution to proton radius
[additions & edits made. ~2/27/2021-The Surfer aka MR Proton]
The Surfer, OM-IV

Friday, December 18, 2020



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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Probability - Oneness - Wholeness

The Power of One
This guy has no clue!

When discussing probability and odds and such, mathematically, the concept of 1 comes up.  The probability of an event is between 0 and 1. 

0: it didn't happen (Shaggy)
1: it surely did happen (Shaggy's pregnant girlfriend)

So, if yer doing odd experiments about odds and such, all the little pieces of the puzzle yer working on have to be between 0 and 1 and the sum of them ALL is 1.

If yer missing anything in your analysis of the "whatever" the sum of all odds won't quite add up to one, and if it adds up to greater than one, then you got something wrong - R O N G - wrong.

Likewise, when you're adding up energy in physics.  If you have a theory that keeps track of ALL the energy and sums it up, then compares that sum to the measured sums of experimental energy, IF there is ANY missing energy, that is of GREAT interest to scientists.

Any excess energy or missing energy is of GREAT interest.

Thus are the great physics/science problems of today, just sitting there, Grasshopper, like a pebble to be snatched from the Master's Hand.

The mainstream's Rydberg equation doesn't quite add up to 1.

Good day!

The Surfer, OM-IV

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Proton Radius Puzzle Still Not Solved By Mainstream Science

Unprecedented accuracy in quantum electrodynamics: Giant leap toward solving proton charge radius puzzle

I'd like to see their work on what their theory predicts or expects for the proton radius.  So far what they offer does not fit, not matter how many terms are added their polynomial does not fit (research series of polynomial no fit papers) the gap between their theory and the measured.

The Surfer, OM-IV

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Three (3) Parts of the Physics Required to EVEN Begin to Understand the Interstellar Context

Dan really gets to the point and summarizes Keystone points of information required to EVEN begin to talk about interstellar reality (the way Nature truly is and behaves).

Interstellar Value of Humans: Bliss-Radiance Fractal Wireless Energy-Pyramids and Stargates

Galactic History series
1) Ascension physics and more
2) Interstellar Value of Humans:
3) Star History and Value of Humans:
4) Physics of God & ET Origins of Religion:

The Surfer, OM-IV

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Excel Spreadsheet with VBA Macro for ROOTS #2, Initial Error

A good starting point would be to examine the coefficients (constants) of the equation for the Rydberg Constant and comment on which ones are in minor error, major error, and why.

Feynman gave up on the question why and ridiculed philosophers.  I don't think he quite realized the box he had trapped himself in so deeply.  Why always points to more and possible purpose.  Richard dug through the cargo like no other cult scientist.  Anyway, I digress.......

The glaring error is the -4% on the proton radius.  Mainstream (NIST/CODATA) doesn't have a correlation of the proton radius with the proton mass nor any of the other physics constants.  While the Rydberg constant equation puts constraints on other constants (due to correlation via Rydberg equation of the standard model) but mainstream doesn't include the proton radius, thus missing the boat.

Tying in the proton radius to the full Rydberg equation not only then puts constraints on the proton radius like it does the other constants, it also becomes an equation that can be solved via iteration.

(paste error table here an initial CODATA starting values)...

(Work In Progress)
(incremental updates)
(moar later)

The Surfer, OM-IV

Friday, September 25, 2020

Excel Spreadsheet with VBA Macro for ROOTS #1, continuation

Root-finding algorithms

The sign-flip algorithm to be implemented in an Excel macro using VBA (Visual Basic) will proceed in steps.  Incremental progress via integration of effort over time...

Visual Basic, like Python is an interpretedhigh-level and general-purpose programming language, just like BASIC.

A link to where we last left off:
G(x) = F(x,,xn) -1≡ 0mee48cฯต20h3RH- 1 -ฯ€rpcme2h-

G(x) = F(x,,xn) - 1≡ 0mee48cฯต20h3RH- 1 -memp
Next step: review.......
The Surfer, OM-IV

Monday, September 14, 2020

Reduced Mass Concept - Reductionism Technology/"Science"

8/17/2022 comment:
Wikipedia page needs to be corrected to make more readable the definitions of the effective masses and the reduced mass assumption, like this:

The Surfer, OM-IV

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Let's Drop the Big One, See What Happens!

The Surfer, OM-IV

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Why Would An Integrated Circuit Design Engineer Know All This?

Have you ever tried to design a voltage reference circuit, one that comes out to a precise voltage?

A standard? A calibration reference?

The bandgap reference circuit, to predict its voltage, one must know all about solid-state electronics and crystal analysis, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO CHOICE OF CONSTANTS to be able to predict the absolute voltage of the bandgap reference with precision.

How far can one take this?  

Voltage reference standards are a completely different animal, however, to push a cheap silicon process to it's limits, using a trim process, one can approximate a voltage reference to at least some tolerance over a temperature range.  Maybe get a few digits of precision untrimmed raw.  The bandgap is a medium precision circuit.  Other techniques are used for real precision standards, like Josephson  voltage standard.  Better than 9 digits of agreement* accuracy.  (rough skimming analysis of state of art, not meant to be comprehensive)

By EE483597 at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Nothing unusual here, until one attempts to get even more accuracy...

Solid-State physics gave birth to the Higgs Bozon idea.

Real physicists call Solid-State Physics "Squalid State", because they know it is an approximation.

So then one understands why such simple things puzzle the modern MAINSTREAM high energy particle physics, if their BIG BOZON, The God Particle, The Higgs, was born from this theory.

It's not because their work is poor, it's because they skipped the basics, and missed some very important things.  Then one goes searching for ghosts, ghostbusting, when firing up LHC.

It's kinda funny the ruse has lasted this long.  Clown ops, like the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, come to an end, sometimes gloriously.

the circus performed its final show on May 21, 2017, at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum and closed after 146 years.[1]

Ringling Bros. Logo.png

* defining absolutely requires a reference, and some choices.

The Surfer, OM-IV